February 18, 2009

Stephen King Killed John Lennon

Stephen King Killed John LennonThis has nothing to do with the Reds. Or maybe it does, considering the team is leaving after this year.

Steven Lightfoot ranted about how Stephen King shot and killed John Lennon this week. I know what you’re thinking. Why would Lightfoot travel to Sarasota to voice his insane ravings? Because King is a part-time resident of nearby Casey Key.

The best part is that the whole thing was captured on video and made available for viewing online.

The city commission got out of the whole mess on a technicality. Casey Key is under county jurisdiction, not city. Should Lightfoot make his way to the proper meeting, you can rest assured that RHM probably will have forgotten all about the story by then.

1 comment to “Stephen King Killed John Lennon”

  1. CanadianConspiracyGuy says:

    Hmm I believe it was actually Steven Lightfoot who killed John Lennon and he has been trying to hide in broad daylight ever since! Who suspects the whistleblower? Nobody I tellsya nooobody!