February 18, 2010

Pitcher and Catcher Report

At long last, the day has finally arrived when pitchers and catcher report to the Reds’ new spring training facility in Goodyear, AZ. Reds.com has a story about the place today, and that story features quotes from every single person in the complex detailing how they’ve gotten lost driving to, driving out of, or walking around the new place.

Ironic, since the Reds always seem to know exactly where they’re going.

Less than a month now until I join the Reds in Arizona and replace these screenshots I’ve pilfered from the video on Reds.com with real-life photos of my own.

No wonder they got lost
Well, it’s no wonder they got lost, what with the building being so poorly marked.

These are not the seats you get to sit in. This is baseball. It’s not about you.

hot tubs
I didn’t know it was possible to make a hot tub seem so…clinical.

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