February 22, 2006

Caught Red Handed! Baseball’s Best Gossip Column

It's been a while, but RHM has again got the inside scoop on the personal correspondence of your favorite team.

The following instant messenger conversation between Reds manager Jerry Narron and second-base hopeful Tony Womack was submitted by an anonymous source earlier today.

weeelz: hey man, wazzup?
SweetJerry: Hey Tony.
SweetJerry: just got out the old caligraphy pens
weeelz: working on a lineup card? sweet
weeelz: i'm on there, right?? LOLOLOL
weeelz: seriously, tho, u know i want 2B, right?
SweetJerry: Don't worry about it.
SweetJerry: I'll get you all playing time
SweetJerry: I told you B4
weeelz: naw, man. I mean I want 2B.
SweetJerry: I kno
weeelz: and I want it all to myself
SweetJerry: want waht?
weeelz: 2B
SweetJerry: u want 2 B all by yourself?
weeelz: yeah
SweetJerry: u could take a walk on the beach
weeelz: ?
SweetJerry: 2 B alone
SweetJerry: walks on the beach r gr8 4 that
weeelz: i dont want to be alone fool
weeelz: i want 2B
SweetJerry: oh i get it
weeelz: yeah, now u feel me
SweetJerry: u want 2B
weeelz: yeah
SweetJerry: that's deep, man

4 comments to “Caught Red Handed! Baseball’s Best Gossip Column”

  1. Geki says:

    That’s not funny. 🙁

  2. TheRedLetters says:

    Funny is subjective. I laughed.

  3. Red Hot Mama says:

    It’s not supposed to be funny. It’s serious. Damn serious.

    Wait, no, I’m thinking of something else. Oh, I know: heart attacks. Those are serious. This is frivolous.

    What’s not funny about it, Geki?

  4. Geki says:

    Pretty much the whole thing.

    It’s okay though, I still like you. :))))))