April 4, 2006

You Look Like a Monkey, and You Smell Like One, Too

It's Red Hot Mama's blog day. At one year old, she's just taking her first steps, speaking in one-word sentences, and drooling all over herself.

7 comments to “You Look Like a Monkey, and You Smell Like One, Too”

  1. Joel says:

    Happy Blog Day, RHM! You don’t look a day over zero.

  2. Red Hot Mama says:

    Now say I don’t look a size over zero, and I’ll really be happy.

    Thanks, Joelsha.

  3. RainDelay says:

    Happy Blog Day!

  4. Daedalus says:

    happy blog day to you
    happy blog day to you
    happy blog day, happy blog day
    happy blog day to you

    go Reds!

  5. Congratulations!!!

  6. joeberk says:

    [i]She’s just taking her first steps, speaking in one-word sentences, and drooling all over herself.[/i]

    Sounds like most Cubs fans I know.

  7. Red Hot Mama says:

    Thanks, guys. That’s really nice. 🙂