Bruce seeks contract extension

Jay Bruce is getting married next month. He’s apparently in such a good place, he doesn’t want any of it to change for a long, long time.
At the end of the 2016 season, Bruce will be 29, which puts him currently under the Reds’ control through what are probably his best years. Not to say that his age 30-35 seasons might not be something special: if he’s worked out how to even out the ups-and-downs by then, he could be slugging well into his 30s.
Like usual, General Manager Walt Jocketty isn’t saying much, but it’s hard to imagine that the Reds are very hot to tie themselves down. A contract that far in the future has so much risks associated with it; anything could happen by then. The team would have to get a ridiculously huge discount to make it worth the risk, and players seem to think the value of their contracts reflects their value as a human being.
On the other hand, it would be a great deal for the Reds if Bruce has figured out how to shorten his cold streaks by then or should hyperinflation strike. With the fiscal cliff right around the corner, maybe they’ll be giving it a second thought.