August 20, 2006

Shawn Reviews ‘Little League Big Dreams’

Shawn's got a lovely review of Little League, Big Dreams by Charles Euchner. I wanted very much to review this book, but I didn't feel right requesting the review copy when I still haven't made it through The Last Nine Innings, so instead, I'll send you over to see what Shawn has to say about it.

The book examines the super-hot spotlight recently put on the Little League World Series. Per the press release:

Little League baseball has become a multi-billion dollar national and global phenomenon. But is that a good thing? … Commercialism, exploitation, corporate interest, and national media pressure are stark realities in the NFL, NBA and MLB…should they be realities in Little League baseball too?

While I'm all for building character in today's youth, putting kids into these highly competitive situations always gives me an ookie feeling. It's like beauty pageants or the national spelling bee: nothing good ever seems to come of it.

Little League, Big Dreams is on sale now for $22.50.

2 comments to “Shawn Reviews ‘Little League Big Dreams’”

  1. sweaver says:

    Actually, the spelling bee kids often seem to go on to successful lives. And thanks for the link.

  2. Red Hot Mama says:

    My little brother was a two-time national spelling bee contestant and is now working for the Department of Commerce, but I consider him one of the lucky ones.