May 15, 2006

More Tattoo Photos

There are some great new photos in the Felipe Lopez human league entry. Many thanks to my Crack Technical Staff for doing the screen captures. Many thanks also to FSNO who featured the tats in a pre-game program.

The AE symbol on his neck, by the way, was designed by his wife back when they were dating. It stands for “Always and Forever.”

2 comments to “More Tattoo Photos”

  1. DevilsAdvocate says:

    How about that – I had always seen that one on his neck as an “A+”, which played into the idea that Felipe Jr. started off his career as a cocky young kid, a bonus baby who was tagged right away as a top prospect with the Blue Jays. Glad to see that it’s actually something much more kindhearted.

  2. Geki says:

    Yeah, sure, [i]FSN[/i] got those pictures.