Daily Archives: July 10, 2005

July 10, 2005

Break Time

I tuned in to today's game this afternoon to watch Eric Milton be great through 6 2/3 innings and the offense fail to come up with so much as a single run by way of support, let alone the two they would have needed to spare him the loss.

I'd like very much to pull together some outrage about all of the missed opportunities. It really is crap. But honestly, I'm exhausted and just glad to see it done with.

For the half dozen or so of you who are still reading about the Reds, I'll give you a preview of the break here at RHM and call it a night:

  • I'm hoping to put together a retrospective of the season and RHM tomorrow.
  • Bellyscratcher and I will be talking smack on the All-Star game Tuesday. I'm not sure how that's going to work, with us being on the same side and all, so if there are any AL ladies who would like to drop in, I'm sure we'd be happy to show you the error of your ways.
  • I'm endeavoring to update the Human League profiles I've already done, plus post the Dunn profile I've had written for couple weeks but delayed putting up until the rest of the world stopped talking about him for 30 seconds.
  • And if I'm not entirely burned out, maybe I'll even write up my ideas on what the Reds should do before the trade deadline.

Rest up everyone. All six of you.