Daily Archives: September 20, 2005

September 20, 2005

Cardinal Shortstop Opens Display Case

ST. LOUIS, MO -- St. Louis Cardinals' shortstop David Eckstein cut the ribbon today on the public display case he built to house his awards.

Eckstein's House of Trophies“I just wanted to share the joy of my accomplishments with the community,” said Eckstein, whose display case is already well stocked.

“I got these last summer,” Eckstein explained, pointing to a row of little-league trophies. “I kept telling the coaches that I was too big for little league, but they just laughed.”

Lining the wall are several framed shirts sporting such phrases as “I'm a Good Sport!” and “#1 Grandkid” and a display case in the corner holds a selection of ribbons.

“This one says 'Participant'” said Eckstein, holding up one of the ribbons. “And I really was.”

Next month, Eckstein is hoping to bring home something that's really worthy of his display case.

“I'm going to win the big Halloween costume contest,” said Eckstein.