June 6, 2006
Watch Out Claussen, Mays is in The House
And only 21 1/2 hours later, I finally get around to mentioning that Justin Germano was sent back to Louisville last night to make room for Joe Mays.
Germano was told he was being optioned back to Louisville so he can get some more work -- he hasn't pitched since last Tuesday -- and the Reds will bring in Joe Mays to take his roster spot tomorrow. Narron was quite clear that Mays will be working out of the bullpen.
That's Joe Mays, not Darrell May, who was not re-signed, no matter what some snarky news reports implied.
Impossible not to notice that this “long reliever” came up the same day that Brandon Claussen needed over 100 pitches for five innings of work.
I like how both the [url=http://news.cincypost.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060607/SPT05/606070339/1027]Post[/url] and the [url=http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060607/SPT04/606070325/1071]Enquirer[/url] ran stories about exactly this topic a day after you mentioned it. RHM’s being [url=http://www.red-hot-mama.com/diaries/comments.php?id=412_0_4_0_C]copied again[/url]!
I don’t think I get to take credit for that one, Dinky. I think it’s more of a “it’s so blatantly obvious everyone’s going to write it” kind of thing.
You comin’ to the game on 9/23?
In the immortal words of Duffman, “Oh yeah!”
Oh. Great. *bitter* At least he’s out of the bullpen… I’ve been following the Royals this year, too… (I would say for reasons unknown, but they are, unfortunately, well known), and followed along with the Suckage of Joe Mays™. I cried when they signed him. Cried and cried and cried.
Maybe he’s just cutting fodder for if the team needs a boost later.