September 20, 2006

There’s a Line-Up You Don’t See Every Day

Just back from meeting friend for lunch (Hi, Ike!) and I'm surprised to see the line-up:

I've thought Olmedo ought to be getting more playing time anyway. Castro isn't bad a third. And, of course, I'm pleased to see The Hearthrob in right. The only position I have an actual problem with is Clayton at short, but if that were the only thing, it wouldn't be so awful, I guess.

It's seeing them all out there at the same time…that's a little scary. I guess that's what you get when you've ceded contention, though. At least the young guys are getting some practice for next year. Plus, Arroyo's getting a feel for what it's going to be like to be supported by the kind of offense that Krivsky seems hellbent on putting together.

Go Reds!

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