Daily Archives: March 24, 2007

March 24, 2007

RHM Does Sarasota

So, here's how my day has gone so far:
2:00 a.m. The alarm goes off. The CTS and I stagger around a little to get dressed and ready to go. We made a few last-minute runs back into the house for things we forgot, thanks to which we seem to actually have most everything, with the exception of my Reds necklace. I'm probably better off without it. I don't really need a sunburn set off by a brilliant white wishbone C on my chest.

4:45 a.m. Arrive at the Dayton International Airport. Enjoy a bag of baked Cheetos and a bag of M&Ms. Breakfast of champions.

6:00 a.m. Plane takes off for Atlanta. It's my son's first plane ride. After the adventure of take-off, he fell asleep. Kids grow up so fast.

8:50 a.m. After a snack at Checkers in the Atlanta International Airport, we take off for Sarasota. This flight was more interesting, as the sun had come up.

11:30 a.m. Finally in possession of our luggage and our rental car, arrive at Ed Smith Stadium. We stuck around for the first seven innings before our exhaustion got the best of us and we took off to find our condos.

4:00 p.m. Collapsed in condo bed for a quick nap before starting this entry.

I'll write some more about the game when I get back from dinner. We've got lots of pictures. It was awesome to see Griffey play. Ryan Freel, Adam Dunn, Josh Hamilton, Edwin Encarnación, and Brandon Phillips all signed autographs directly in front of my seat. What a bunch of nice-niks.

The weather is wonderful. I wish you were here.