Daily Archives: September 7, 2012

September 7, 2012

The Reds’ outfield that might have been

Chris Jaffe has great piece today in The Hardball Times about a trade that outshines even The Trade for suckiness.

Curt Flood baseball cardNot only did it rob the Reds of a player they would have been better off to have around, but it gave the opponent (the Cardinals) a pivotal piece in their success at the time (which is something you’d probably wouldn’t say about The Trade).

The year was 1957, and the player in question was a 19-year-old prospect named Curt Flood. They sent Flood to the Cardinals for three guys you probably never heard of: Marty Kutyna, Willard Schmidt, and Ted Wieand.

Those guys didn’t amount to much, but Flood “became a three time All-Star who received modest support in MVP voting a half-dozen times and was the greatest defensive outfielder of his generation. And the Cardinals would get virtually his entire career, during which he helped them win three pennants and two world titles in the 1960s.”

You’ll want to head over to The Hardball Times to check out the rest of the story about the outfield that might have been if the Reds had kept Flood around.

And his story goes beyond that. Flood played an instrumental part in the introduction of Free Agency. This post about his free agency battle is a year old, but 1) that length of time doesn’t seem very relevant when you’re talking about events in the 1950s, and 2) it’s where I swiped the picture from, so I want to give them some link love.

September 7, 2012

Reds’ postseason ticket lottery now open

Last Game
The Reds had the day off yesterday to lick their wounds after that unfortunate series against the Phillies. It’s over and there’s nothing we can do about it now. Moving on.

Next Game
Today the Astros come to town. Homer Bailey (RHP, 10-9, 4.09 ERA) hasn’t gotten a win in a while, including in his last appearance against the Astros’ 10-game winner last Saturday. And he gets to face off against Lucas Harrell (RHP, 10-9, 3.81 ERA) again today. Hopefully the team will come up with a little more run support for him this time.

Enter for the chance to buy NLDS tickets
They aren’t drawing a lot of attention to it yet, but there’s a link on Reds.com where you can enter your name in the lottery for the right to buy NLDS tickets. The drawing will be held on or about Thursday, September 13, 2012.

Postseason 2012 logo

I remember entering this in 2010. While I didn’t get the chance to by NLDS tix back then, I do still possess the NLCS tickets that never had a corresponding game. I bet that woudn’t be the case this year.

What to Say to Sound Smart at the Water Cooler
Since Jay Bruce had 2 games off on August 11 and August 12 in Chicago, he’s has a .364 batting average, has hit 10 home runs, and has contributed 24 RBI.