August 7, 2007

Episode 70: Transactions that Were and that Should Have Been

It’s amazing how long you can talk about a team that didn’t do much of anything at the trade deadline or—really—all season long. Heck, you’ve got to talk about something in a marriage, and a person’s love of broccoli is only good for so many hours of conversation.

This week on the podcast we discuss:

  • Moves not made at the trade deadline
  • Transactions made today (most of them bad)
  • The Reds creeping slowly up the standings, all the way into fifth place. Though, to be fair, it’s not as if they could have slid down any lower.
  • The wormhole that will open in space to obliterate the Earth if the Cubs overtake the Brewers at the top of the division.
  • Reds Heads related activities and the Screaming Mimes concert going on in Cincinnati this weekend.

Oh, and I also make fun of Bronson Arroyo‘s hair. It looks like something Candace Cameron wore circa 1996.

Episode 70: Transactions that Were and that Should Have Been (27.3MB, 39:46)

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2 comments to “Episode 70: Transactions that Were and that Should Have Been”

  1. BubbaFan says:

    I’m wondering if Arroyo curls his hair. The start before last, he looked like Shirley Temple. Was it just the humidity?

  2. Red Hot Mama says:

    Perhaps he could do “The Good Ship Lollipop” on his next album.