June 5, 2012

Heir to the ‘Latin Love Machine’ title in LA?

Jesmuel Valentin coutesy of pefectgame.orgThis is one of those posts that’s only going to make sense to long-time RHM readers. You would have had to have been around, like, 5-7 years ago to remember when platoon catcher Javier Valentín was dubbed the “Latin Love Machine” and became sort of a mascot to the site.

Back then we had the whole blogsphere calling him “the LLM”. We posted up a bouncing Javy head every year on his birthday. We even added a site tagline in his honor: “Making Javier Valentín a household name since 2005.”

Those were heady days.

But yesterday, there was promise for the return of the Latin Love Machine dynasty. Javy’s nephew, Jesmuel Valentín was drafted by the L.A. Dodgers with the 51st overall pick. So keep your eye on L.A. the next couple years to see if Jesmuel can achieve household name status.

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